Coalition for the National Infrastructure Bank

$5 Trillion, 25 Million Jobs

New York Progressive Action Network Passes Resolution for National Infrastructure Bank

April 29, 2023

The New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN), passed a resolution in support of the $5 trillion National Infrastructure Bank Act in mid-April 2023. NYPAN consists of progressive organizations across all regions of New York State from Potsdam to Buffalo to Westchester to Long Island to the Bronx.

The Network was founded in December of 2016, following the 2016 elections. The founding chapters were all grassroots organizations that had formed during the Bernie Sanders campaign in New York. Volunteers in these organizations, many of them entirely new to politics, became heavily involved in their communities, built networks, and made lasting friendships. At the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia, representatives from these grassroots organizations met up and decided that, even though the primary was over, the movement was too important to abandon, and formed a 501c4 organization.

NYPAN began with 16 chapters, and has grown in the past four years to include over 30 chapters and affiliates. Although the founding chapters came from the Bernie Sanders campaign, NYPAN has welcomed progressive chapters and affiliates of all stripes, including Black Lives Matter of Greater New York. Other affiliates include a number of unions, the Jim Owles Democratic Club (an LGBTQ organization), the 504 Democrats (a disability rights organization), and Life of Hope (a support organization for Haitian immigrants).

Read resolution here.

NYPAN Resolution
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