Meet the people who make up our Advisory Team
When you hover over each of the pictures below, you can see a short bio; by clicking or touching on the picture you can see a fuller biography. (On some pictures.)
Macroeconomist, International Monetary Fund, 25 years (Retired)
Infrastructure expert; Amtrak Corporation Executive, 30 years (Retired)
Secretary, Jobs with Justice; former Organizer, United Association of Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 50, Toledo, OH
Democratic Party of Oregon State Central Committee; Former Treasurer and Interim Chair, Pennsylvania State Democratic Party
MBA, Chair, AK DEMS Caucus Progressive Action Network, Entrepreneur and Business Owner Pacific Northwest
Dr. Nomi Prins, PhD, is a macro-economist, geopolitical financial expert, best-selling author, and unwavering advocate for financial reform and foundational economic growth.
Ellen Brown is an attorney, co-founder of the Public Banking Institute, and author of 13 books and over 400 articles.
New Mexico Senate
Disctrict 18
Alabama House
District 68
South Carolina House
District 62
North Carolina House
23rd District
Former Professor of Economics and Monetary Policy, Cal State; former staff President's Council of Economic Advisors, Los Angeles, CA
Retired GM Design Engineer, CEO - E100 Ethanol Group, San Leandro, CA
Award-winning author, “Unprecedented Power: Jesse Jones: Capitalism, and the Common Good,” Houston, TX
Randolph “Randy” Voller is the former Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party (“NCDP”), the Sixth Congressional District Committee, and the Chatham County Democratic Party, as well as a four-term mayor of Pittsboro, NC.
Secretary-Treasurer, New Mexico AFL-CIO
Lancaster City Council, Chair, Latino Caucus, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Lancaster PA
Delegate, 2020 Democratic National Convention;Va. Congressional District 11 Representative, Democratic Party of Va. State Central Committee; Chair, National Affairs Committee of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee;Chair, Our Revolution Northern Virginia
Co-Treasurer Executive Committee
New York Progressive Action Network
Co-Chair Board of Directors
Long Island Progressive Coalition
Chair Rural Caucus, Ohio Democratic Party, Upper Sandusky, OH
Missouri House
Democratic candidate Missouri State Auditor
Michigan House
Former President, Detroit Board of Education
President - CEO - Founder - Latino Farmers and Ranchers International, Inc.
Washington State Senate
Member of Wolf-PAC/WA, Public Banking Institute, Seattle Indivisible, and Treasurer of Washingtonians for Public Banking.
Past State Director New Mexico League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
Founder, Arizona Coalition for Public Banking; professional investment advisor, Tucson, AZ