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Videos: Amidst Political Turmoil, "It's Still the Infrastructure, Stupid!"

Aug 06, 2024

Elected officials from around the country were joined by economists, Dr. Nomi Prins, Ph.D., author and former Managing Director Goldman Sachs, and NIB Senior Economist Alphecca Muttardy, for a Zoom Town Hall, Amidst Political Turmoil, “It’s Still the Infrastructure, Stupid!”

Video excerpts are provided here from five of the speakers: New York Assemblywoman Maryjane Shimsky, Washington State Senator Liz Lovelett, Illinois State Senator Adriane Johnson, New York Assemblywoman Jo Anne Simon, and Walter Pacholczak, Associated General Contractors, New York State. In addition, is a 2-minute clip of Dr. Nomi Prins addressing the U.S. debt crisis.

In this highly-charged political and economic environment, the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) is rallying the country around a bold, 21st-century economic program. The NIB is being brought to both the Republican and Democratic conventions and is sparking intense discussion. 

As political events swirl around the country, the real economy unravels. The $550 billion Bipartisan Infrastructure Law was a good “band-aid” to stanch some infrastructure decline. But infrastructure needs to jump out of the headlines: Continuous shutdowns of the 100-year-old New York subway system; Amtrak train delays all summer in the Northeast Corridor due to infrastructure malfunctions; weather-related flooding in cities like Houston; power outages and bridge and dam crises across the heartland. Not to mention the IT meltdown on Friday. All of this is occurring as the U.S. debt mounts.

Resolutions of support are accelerating. The Rhode Island House of Representatives recently passed a resolution in support of H.R.4052, the National Infrastructure Bank Act. The California Assembly introduced a resolution in support of H.R.4052 at the end of June and quickly moved it through the Transportation Committee. 

In Congress, H.R.4052, the National Infrastructure Bank Act, which creates a $5 trillion infrastructure bank, now has 38 sponsors. Congressional meetings are ongoing. 

Simultaneously, financial markets are roiling. Shades of the dot-com bust loom large as substantial gains and losses punctuate each trading day. This is due in large measure to the AI-driven bubbles on Wall Street. Whenever the end comes, it won’t be pretty. 

The NIB is a game-changer. The $5 trillion bank will move the needle on the entire economy. It will transform the financial-bubble, low-wage, and non-productive economy into a powerful infrastructure-driven behemoth. It is the guiding light out of the mine field of economic and political mayhem. Please invite your friends to watch these videos and find out more.

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