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June 18 Video, National Infrastructure Bank to the Rescue: Reversing the Ever-Deepening US Infrastructure Crisis

Jun 25, 2024

Author and former Wall Street Executive Dr. Nomi Prins, Ellen Brown, Chair Public Banking Institute, and Washington State Senator Robert Hasegawa were joined by other elected officials for a Zoom Town Hall “National Infrastructure Bank to the Rescue: Reversing the Ever-Deepening US Infrastructure Crisis” on June 18, 2024. (Watch here.)

The Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) hosted this critical event in the campaign to build American infrastructure and spark a massive industrial revival. Support for the NIB is growing precisely as the needs of the country deepen. The brand new report of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) concludes that ‘even with implementation of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021, the new infrastructure deficit in the country has increased by over $300 billion to near $3 trillion. And that figure is a vast understatement.


According to ASCE, if the current level of funding is not maintained when the IIJA expires in 2025, the deficit will be off the charts! Unless we implement the NIB. 

Current developments underscore this. 

  • The recent, simultaneous bursting of several major water mains in Atlanta shut the city down for days. One pipe was 125 years old! Total cost to replace the antiquated system will be in the billions of dollars
  • A large chunk of the well-traveled Teton Pass Road collapsed after a landslide in Wyoming. This has shut down traffic indefinitely. 
  • The US 50 Bridge over the Blue Mesa Reservoir in Colorado was closed on an emergency basis in April when numbers of cracks were discovered in the 1500-foot steel span. Repairs or possible replacement of the bridge could take months. Traffic detours are now taking six hours or more! 

Support for the NIB has been growing. In Congress, HR4052, the National Infrastructure Bank Act, now has 37 sponsors. In addition, the Rhode Island State House of Representatives became the latest legislative chamber to pass a resolution in support of HR 4052. 

Similar resolutions are now circulating among state Democratic Parties and caucuses heading toward the August National Convention. 


The NIB will be faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a High-Speed Rail locomotive, and able to build big projects for the whole country. Become a Superhero for the nation! Please join this event. 


Alphecca Muttardy, former Senior Economist, IMF, Fairfax, VA

Dr. Nomi Prins, Ph.D., author and former Managing Director Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street investment banks, Los Angeles

Rep. Scott Conklin, Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Rush Township

Ellen Brown, Esq., Chair Public Banking Institute, Los Angeles

Sen. Robert Hasegawa, Washington State Senate, Tukwila

Sen. Bill Tallman, New Mexico Senate, Albuquerque

Sen. Michael Moore, Massachusetts Senate, Worcester

Rep. Thomas Jackson, Alabama House of Representatives, Thomasville

Moderator: Julie Olsen, MBA, Chair Progressive Caucus, Alaska Dem Party, Anchorage


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