Case Study: What the National Infrastructure Bank Would Mean to Michigan
“What Does the National Infrastructure Bank Mean to Michigan” presents a detailed analysis of the crisis in the Michigan economy focused upon the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the need for a major intervention by government to begin to reverse this breakdown. Professor Murembya’s PowerPoint presentation, made to a virtual meeting held this past fall, makes the argument for the new approach of the National Infrastructure Bank and H.R. 6422, and also provides a case study how such a national approach would impact the case of a single state.
Two Minute Trailer: Why We Need a National Infrastructure Bank
On February 17, 2021, the Democratic Policy Committee of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives convened a hearing to discuss the concept of the National Infrastructure Bank. Three panels explored this proposal. Members of the House questioned the participants in this far-ranging dialogue. Watch this excellent 2 minute trailer on why we urgently need a National Infrastructure Bank.
This trailer was for a webinar at the Democratic National Convention in Aug 2020.
Crisis in Urban America
Crisis in Rural America
25 Million New Jobs
Pennsylvania Town Hall on the NIB, June 6, 2020
Pa. Town Hall Video #1-My journey with the NIB Coalition
Tara Zrinski is a Northampton, PA county councilwoman who is running for state representative. She organized the virtual Town Hall meeting about the NIB that took place on 6/20/20. Tara has been very active with the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank, and was instrumental in the passage of a resolution for the NIB by the National Association of Counties. Here is her opening statement at the virtual Town Hall Meeting 6/20/20. 1 min. 42 sec.