Coalition for the National Infrastructure Bank

$5 Trillion, 25 Million Jobs

Presidents’ Day Webinar Released

February 17, 2021
Presidents’ Day Webinar 
“National Infrastructure Bank:
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants”
February 15, 2021

Presidents George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt established national banks to confront the crises of their times. This President’s Day webinar explores their national banking programs and how President Joe Biden’s administration can stand on their shoulders to create a new national infrastructure bank to revitalize our nation and create 25 million jobs without increasing taxes or the federal debt.   


Alphecca Muttardy, former Senior Economist IMF 
Jack Hanna, Oregon Democratic Party state central committee; former treasurer and interim chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party 
Ellen Brown, J.D., Founder and Chair of the Public Banking Institute; author of twelve books, including Web of Debt and The Public Bank Solution; co-host of radio show program on PRN.FM, “It’s Our Money” 

Carl Holland, South Carolina regional field director of the Bernie Sanders 2016 presidential campaign; U.S. Representative Barbara Lee staff member, 2013-15 

Governor Roy Barnes, Esq., 80th Governor of State of Georgia; Awarded the Profile in Courage Award by the John F. Kennedy Library for his success while Governor of minimizing the Confederate battle emblem on the Georgia state Flag
Representative Kyle Mullins, Pennsylvania House of Representatives 112th District 

Representative Lisa Sobecki, Ohio House of Representatives 45th District 

Moderator: Robert Lynn, organizer of the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 50, Ohio (ret) 

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