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American Heroes Group Radio Interviews Economist Alphecca Muttardy

Sep 09, 2024

On September 4, 2024, U.S. Army Retired Colonel Dr. Damon T. Arnold hosted macroeconomist Alphecca Muttardy, Chief Economic Adviser for the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank, on American Heroes Group Radio. In this episode, host Arnold dives deep into the critical need for a $5 trillion National Infrastructure Bank to revitalize America’s infrastructure and economy. Ms. Muttardy discusses Congressman Danny Davis's bill, H.R.4052, and how this bank will finance essential infrastructure projects, create millions of well-paying jobs, and address pressing issues like climate change, affordable housing, and job training for veterans. Learn about the history behind this proposal and how it could reshape the American

economy for the better.


Please watch this important interview.


Partial transcript:


HOST: Today is Wednesday September 4th 2024 and I am your host US Army retired Colonel and Veteran combat medic Dr. Damon T Arnold and I have a distinguished guest today, Alphecca Muttardy, a professional macroeconomist, former senior Economist International monetary fund. She's also chief economic advisor for the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank. I was able to hear the talks that were given at the DNC, and I'm sure they've done this across the board with different groups, but they are a group that's dedicated to what I think is a genius plan, a genius viewpoint on how to build our infrastructure, and I'm just amazed at the information that I received during that meeting. The discussion is that the Illinois 7th Congressional District Congressman Danny Davis National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) Coalition $5 trillion Bank agenda to fund US infrastructure.


Alphecca, Why don't you give us an overview and welcome to America Heroes Group, but I was really blown away by the presenters at the DNC, who were talking about the NIB and why it's so important for us to be supporting this and the people in this country. This is a fantastic idea so why don't you just give us an overview of what this whole initiative is.


ALPHECCA: I am a macroeconomist. That means I look at the big picture of what's happening with the economy. I worked for 25 years at the international monetary fund and when I retired, I thought maybe it would be a good idea to apply my skills to see if I could help with an American policy that would help the American economy and American workers, and this really is it. 


Congressman Davis has introduced a Bill in Congress, H.R.4052, to create a $5 trillion public bank to lend for infrastructure projects all around the country. Why do we need one of those? Because we just cannot adequately finance infrastructure either through the federal budget, the state and local budgets, or private capital money. We have money being spent by those different entities but it's not enough. I'll show you some examples in just a minute, but the idea is this bank will complement budgets and top up all the financing that we need to invest in our economy, invest in our country, fix our bridges, and replace all of the lead water service lines. For example, in Illinois, which has the second largest number the country, fix our roads, build High-Speed Rail, build much more affordable housing and restructure the American Workforce, so that we have much better paying jobs for families to enable them to actually pay their bills.


And, it's not a new idea. It's been done many times before in our nation's history. The banks aren't around anymore because they their charters timed out but other countries around the world use our model and they call it the American system and they have permanent banks in place to finance their infrastructure. (cont)


Read entire interview here.


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