Get up to speed on the National Infrastructure Bank in Four Steps...
By the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank
March 12, 2021
Our nation’s spending on infrastructure has fallen to its lowest level in 70 years, to 2.5% of our nation’s GDP. That’s half the comparable level in Europe, and 1/3 the level in China. As a result, productivity, investment, and manufacturing have collapsed, and we are losing our world-wide competitive edge.
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) estimates, in its 2021 report, that $6.1 trillion is needed just to repair our nation’s infrastructure (see Table below). Of that, $2.6 trillion is currently NOT funded in the following areas: Roads, bridges, freight corridors, and mass transit; Electricity grids; Schools; Dams, levees, waterways, and ports; Airports; Rail; Drinking water and wastewater; Public parks and recreation; and Hazardous and solid waste. In addition, we need a High Speed Rail network linked to improved urban transit networks, Complete Broadband access, Affordable Housing, a Renewable Energy Super-Grid, and Major Water Management Projects to combat flooding and bring water to dry regions. All of these require smart technologies for optimal efficiency and minimum environmental impact.
Infrastructure development needs careful planning, and a reliable source of long-term funding, in order for it to succeed. That’s just not possible under a system of uncertain annual appropriations (unreliable funding for The Eisenhower Highway Trust Fund is a case in point), and politicians’ short–term horizons of from 2 to 4 years. Moreover, the Federal budget is in financial disarray – with total revenues available for discretionary spending having fallen from 65% in 1960, to 11% in 2019. Add to that, the COVID-19 Recession and Stimulus spending have led to huge budget deficits, and an unprecedented debt overhang that is putting pressure on interest rates. So it is most unlikely that adequate infrastructure financing to cover all of the financing gap will ever come from the Federal Budget.
Legislation (HR 6422) has been introduced in Congress to create a $4 trillion National Infrastructure Bank (soon to be raised to $5 trillion). This “NIB” will be a separate institution from the Budget, set up as a government-sponsored, lending, deposit-money bank, and capitalized with existing Treasuries held by the public sector. That’s the same approach that was used four times before in our nation’s history, starting with the First Bank of the United States created in 1791 by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, and ending with FDR’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC). Except for a very small appropriation from Congress to get started, the NIB will pay its own way. It will not create any new Federal debt, nor require any new Federal taxes. As such, it is configured to attract maximum political support from both Republicans and Democrats in Congress.
This is how it would work (see attached Flowchart):
• The NIB will be capitalized by purchasing up to $500 billion in existing Treasury bonds held by the private sector (e.g., in pension and other savings funds), in exchange for an equivalent in shares of preferred stock in the NIB. The exchange would take place via a sales contract with the NIB/Federal Government that guarantees a preferred stock dividend of 2% more than private-holders currently earn on their Treasuries. That contract would form a binding obligation to provide the incremental 2%, or about $10 billion per year, from the Budget. While temporarily appearing as mandatory spending under the Budget, the $10 billion per year will be returned each year as a dividend paid to government, from the NIB’s earnings stream (see next bullet).
• The NIB will provide up to $5 trillion in infrastructure loans. That’s enough to cover all of the $2.6 trillion funding gap identified by ASCE, plus $2.4 trillion for other mega projects. Using standard commercial-bank accounting procedures, the NIB will create a deposit in the borrower’s name, equal to the loan amount, as each loan is approved and made. The NIB will charge interest on the loans equal to the benchmark Treasury bond rate (or a minimum of 1.6% per year) plus points to reflect the borrower’s credit quality. At those interest rates, the NIB should be earning at least $80 billion per year, out of which it will pay: operating expenses, interest on deposits held at the NIB, and loan loss provision set-asides. What is left over should be more than enough to return $10 billion per year back to the Budget, as a dividend payment to government.
• It is expected that borrowers from the NIB will be state and local governments, because they own 90% of the nation’s public infrastructure. No further privatization of public infrastructure – beyond what has already taken place (e.g., at ports, airports, and other places that normally collect user fees) – would result from NIB loan operations. State and local governments will be able to service their loans out of recovering revenues, especially as millions of workers are re-employed in great-paying jobs created by these large public investments.
• Infrastructure projects will be vetted according to their cost cost-benefit analysis, and a set of specific criteria set out in the Bill. Preliminary estimates suggest that, for every $1 spent on a public infrastructure project, anywhere from $3-7 is returned back to the economy. Careful planning – to maximize economic growth and “dig up the road only once” – would be facilitated by Regional Economic Accelerator Planning Groups with state and local government participation, and technical assistance coordinated by the NIB.
NIB operations are expected to have a profound, positive impact on the American economy. They will create up to 25 million new jobs, paying union-level “Davis-Bacon” wages, and grow the economy faster and make it more productive. That’s what happened during the period of the last Infrastructure Bank, the RFC, from 1933-57, when growth averaged 5.5% per year, Total Factor Productivity maxed out at 3.4% per year during the 1940s, and unskilled wages and Federal income tax receipts rose dramatically. Similar results are replicable at near-full employment: a 2014 study by the University of Maryland estimated that, compared to stagnant economic growth averaging 1.8% per year, increased infrastructure spending would ultimately grow the economy faster by 2.9% per year, and real disposable income by 3.4% per year, than without such investments. As ASCE also stated in its 2021 Failure to Act Study (using the same U. Md. forecasting model), failing to close this infrastructure investment gap brings serious economic consequences. By 2039, a continued underinvestment in our infrastructure at current rates will cost:
• $10 trillion in cumulative lost GDP,
• More than 3 million jobs in year 2039, and
• $2.24 trillion in exports over the next 20 years.
Most importantly, the NIB is positioned to play a significant role in fighting the economic effects of the 2020 COVID-19-induced Recession. As of this writing, the economy is projected to recover to its pre-pandemic level by mid-2021. However, the pace of jobs recovery has slackened, and millions of jobs – particularly for workers with less than a college degree – are probably never coming back, setting up a massive need for career changes and retraining in the U.S. Meanwhile, the NIB can be in place to finance projects that create 25 million new, great paying jobs, and provide workers with certified training in those new professions. That will bolster economic recovery faster than just about any other public policy. Faster growth, in turn, will prompt a recovery in Federal, state, and local revenues, ensuring that infrastructure loans can be repaid. And the NIB can do this without the need to rely on new Federal deficits or taxes.
Therefore, we are asking every citizen to write or call your Congressman, and ask him/her to support HR 6422, the National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020, to create great-paying jobs in your area.
Call your local elected official, union, or other organization and ask them to pass a resolution endorsing a National Infrastructure Bank and to support the Congressional Bill H.R. 6422 (introduced in 2020) or similar legislation introduced in 2021, creating a National Infrastructure Bank. (You can use the Sample Resolution as a template for getting an endorsement.)
Call Your Congressional representative, and ask them to co-sponsor a Bill creating a National Infrastructure Bank, based upon HR 6422 (2020).
States where resolutions have been introduced
New Jersey,
New Mexico,
New Mexico-SM2*,
North Carolina,
North Carolina- HR266*,
Ohio-H.R. 19*,
Pennsylvania House,
Pennsylvania Senate,
Rhode Island*,
Rhode Island,
South Carolina**,
South Carolina-H.3434*,
West Virginia
* Introduced 2021
** Resolution adopted
Resolutions Adopted by City Councils and County Boards
Pittsburgh; Toledo Metro Area Council of Governments; Akron, OH; Allentown, PA; Mercer County, NJ; Newburgh Heights, OH; Allegheny County, PA; Toledo, OH; Lucas County, OH; Westchester County Board of Legislators, NY; Philadelphia; Providence, RI; Northampton County Council, PA; Rio Arriba, NM
Trenton NJ; Inkster, MI; Dearborn Heights, MI; Hamtramck, MI; Lancaster, PA; Peekskill, NY
Resolutions Adopted by Labor Unions
Service Employees International Union SEIU Virginia 512; National Federation of Federal Employees; Virginia State Building and Construction Trades Council;UA Local 50 Plumbers, Northwood, Ohio; Westchester-Putnam Counties AFL-CIO Central Labor Body;
Hampton Roads Building and Construction Trades Council; Elevator Constructors Union Local One of New York and New Jersey;
Elevator Constructors Union Local 52, Norfolk, Virginia; Ohio Communications Workers Of America Local 4319; Virginia AFL-CIO;
Hudson Valley Building and Construction Trades Council; Georgia State Council of Machinists; Westchester-Putnam Building Trades Council; Western Reserve Building Trades Council; Elevator Constructors Union Local 32, Atlanta; Central New Mexico Labor Council;
Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers Local 7, Akron, Ohio;
IBEW Local 245, Toledo, Ohio;
Central Georgia Federation of Trades and Labor Council
National Organization Endorsements
National Association of Counties; National Latino Farmers and Ranchers Trade Association; National Congress of Black Women; National Association of Minority Contractors; US High Speed Rail Association; Public Banking Institute; American Sustainable Business Council
Other Organizations
Loudoun County VA Democratic Committee;
Our Revolution Northern Virginia;
Alexandria VA Democratic Committee;
Fairfax County VA Democratic Party;
Toledo Area Jobs with Justice & Interfaith Worker Justice Coalition;
2020 Democratic Party of Virginia State Convention;
All Aboard Ohio;
Pennsylvania Democratic Committee;
Fulton County Democratic Party, Ohio;
Wood County Democratic Party, Ohio;
Northwest Ohio Passenger Rail Association;
Alaska Democratic State Central Committee;
FirstRail International, llc
Resolution Urging Congress to Enact National Infrastructure Bank Legislation
Whereas, the American Society of Civil Engineers stated in its 2021 report card that the United States scores a C- regarding the current state of infrastructure and that four and one half trillion dollars would be needed to restore the nation’s infrastructure to a state of good repair. Newer projects and over two trillion dollars’ worth of corrective projects are currently unfunded and the remaining projects are not adequately funded;
Whereas, a new National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) could directly aid in fostering an economic recovery and build the infrastructure projects we have neglected. Legislation to create such a bank has been introduced into Congress this spring, H.R. 6422. The new NIB is modeled on four previous institutions created by Presidents George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, which helped spur massive economic growth; and,
Whereas, H.R. 6422 was introduced by Representative Danny Davis on March 31, 2020, and would establish a new four trillion-dollar National Infrastructure Bank authorized to invest solely in infrastructure projects. It would be funded through a repurposing if existing Treasury debt, as was done previously in the United States; and would require no new federal spending; and
Whereas, a new National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) could directly finance much of our nation’s infrastructure, in partnership with state and local officials, and hire people who have lost their jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic;
Whereas, the new bank would create an estimated twenty-five million new jobs paying Davis-Bacon wages. It would ensure project labor agreements for all projects and Buy American provisions also while awarding a significant number of contracts to disadvantaged business enterprises and mandating large-scale minority hiring. It is expected to grow the economy by four to five present each year; and
Whereas, seventeen state legislatures and numerous county and city governments have introduced or passed resolutions in support of the bank. Additionally, organizations like the National Association of Counties, the U.S. High-Speed Rail Association, the National Latino Farmers and Ranchers, the National Congress of Black Women, the National Federation of Federal Employees, the Democratic Municipal Officials, the American Sustainable Business Council, the National Association of Minority Contractors, and many others have endorsed the new bank. Now, therefore,
Be it Resolved, that _________ endorses HR 6422 or similar legislation to urge congress to pass this legislation; and,
Be it further Resolved that copies of this resolution be forwarded to each member of the Congressional Delegation and to the President of the United States.