Ralph Streza urging activists in Chagrin Falls, Ohio to get involved with the Coalition. Ralph is a member of the Advisory Board of the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank. Thanks to citizen-activists like Ralph, support for the Bank is rapidly growing nationwide.
Stan Forczek, who was responsible for many years for the maintenance of the entire Amtrak rail corridor connecting Boston and Washington DC, addressing a group in the Pennsylvania state legislature in Harrisburg urging support for the National Infrastructure Bank. A resolution was subsequently introduced and has over 40 bi-partisan co-sponsors. You can read the resolution by visiting the Endorsements section of this website.
Alphecca Muttardy, member of the Advisory Committee of the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank was invited by Bob Griss of "The Nation" Magazine Discussion Group, to speak about the proposed Bank in Washington DC.
Lisa Ditalia, an activist with our Coalition, addressing the Allentown PA City Council in support of the National Infrastructure Bank.
Stan Forczek, member of the Advisory Board of our Coalition, testifying at the Allentown, PA City Council for the National Infrastructure Bank. The City Council subsequently passed a resolution urging Congress to enact legislation to create such a bank.
Members of the Coalition have met with over 100 congressional offices, urging them to enact legislation to create a National Infrastructure Bank. There is great interest in Congress in the subject, even more so now in light of the economic consequences of the coronavirus.
Alphecca Muttardy, Sandra Klassen and Stan Forczek, activists with our Coalition, addressing the Virginia Building Trades on how the bank would create 25 million jobs paying Davis-Bacon wages. You can read the details in the 60 page legislation by visiting the Legislation page of this website.
PA State Rep. Jim Roebuck and Sri Amundhanar participated in lobbying efforts by the Coalition to educate and motivate members of Congress about the National Infrastructure Bank.
Members of the Coalition have met with over 100 Congressional offices. Many by appointment, some impromptu as the opportunity arises.
Alphecca Muttardy speaks to The Nation Magazine discussion group at the Cleveland Park Library, Washington DC.
Members of the Coalition for the National Infrastructure Bank gathered in July 2019 to visit Congressional offices to educate and motivate action regarding the proposed $4 Trillion Bank.
Alphecca Muttardy, a macro-economist who worked for the International Monetary Fund for 25 years, explains how the National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) would be capitalized by re-purposing existing Treasury debt. The result would be a $4 Trillion lending capacity that would not require any new federal debt. Details on how this works can be read in the Legislation section of our website.
After a resolution in support of the Bank passed the County Council, Tara Zrinski, member of the Council, was instrumental in getting a resolution also passed by the National Association of Counties.