Coalition for the National Infrastructure Bank

$5 Trillion, 25 Million Jobs

H.R.3339 Ad Reaches Out to State Legislators

March 15, 2022

From March 14 to March 21, the Coalition for a National Infrastructure Bank is running ads (see above) in support of the “National Infrastructure Bank Act”, H.R.3339. The ad appears on the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) website. It is prominently placed just above an announcement for the infrastructure bill that recently passed the U.S. Congress, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA). H.R.3339 creates a $5 trillion National Infrastructure Bank. It would complement the IIJA, but be at 90% larger! It would build everything! The NCSL website reaches hundreds of thousands of elected officials across the country each week, so this is an excellent opportunity to inform our state lawmakers about the National Infrastructure Bank Act. Please contact your state officials and members of Congress: Support H.R.3339! (See full ad)

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